A modest treasure box of audio oddities and WTF constructions.
The 3-inch CDR Lobster Dildos contains four new blithers that could easily pass for the soundtrack to scary parts of a TV show about the paranormal. You know, with the distressed breathing and the uncanny metallic grinding, unnerving assurances, 1930s melodrama, unnatural chittering, left-handed shredding and distortion ejaculate, bio-mechanical threat blurts, and clusters of passion-damaged voices competing to get their bizarre assertions heard.
A second 3-inch CDR extracts the audio from footage of a Bren’t Lewiis live show in 1984 in support of the so-called Mad Bombers. Viewers of Tusk TV during the golden era of Covid lockdown might recall seeing resurrected VHF footage of this clatter-rich caterwaul. Minus the visuals and left with little more than the sound of ramshackle simian-grade percussion and an audience that is clearly more interested in their own conversations than the off-center thwacking of scruffy would-be surrealists, one can pinpoint the moment that obsolescence of grandeur became a manifesto.
And then a third, “value-addled” 3-inch CDR uses the Mad Bombers audio as a foundation for wild additions, brute subtractions, and EQ shenanigans.
Fresh into their trial separation from Usurper, Malcy Duff and Ali Robertson team up with Lucian Tielens and Gnarlos for the collaborative cassette Lewsurpiia. Eight tracks, 38 minutes, electroacoustic AF, the Wizard of Oz staged in an antique mall, tape cut-ups and plentiful narrative delirium.
Also included is a 28pp comic book Many Hands Make Light Work, which re-purposes an old Jack Chick morality tract with all new BuFMS-centric text. It’s a bona fide Easter egg hunt where a wrathful puritan storms through a methy suburb in search of coherence, buttressed at either end by a transcript of Tielens’s early ’80s doctrine chat with an unsuspecting evangelist knob. A real page-turner.
To aid in keeping the Chocolate Monk customer’s consumption conspicuous, the box also includes a small enamel lapel pin. Follow-up selfies are the buyer’s responsibility. There’s also a postcard adorned with eccentric art of a sort all returning champions would expect, plus miscellaneous scraps sourced from the lost-and-found box at a California public library.
Outer box is hand-stamped. Numbered edition of 75.
Available in the U.S. from Tedium House and in the U.K. from Chcolate Monk
LP released by Tusco Embassy
Untitled two-minute tracks by Bren’t Lewiis Ensemble, Yellowhouse, Advanced Aesthetics, Icky Reels / Fatboi Sharif, Skipped Dent, Yeast Culture, Tusco Terror, Swisher, Headboggle, Dedales, Aaron Dilloway, Rubber (() Cement, Ben Baker Billington, Jeph Jerman, Small Cruel Party, Phialia Thouvenin + Adrian Singleton, Incapacitants, Twig Harper, Muscle Beach, J Guy + Bbob Drake, Skin Graft, Sharkiface, Nebulizer
This platter has been cut in a way such that a random selection plays each time it is put it on the turntable. Each track is isolated from all the others and preceded by Gen Ken Montgomery’s introduction. No other information is included in the package.
Krim Kram’s single-CD reissue of the limited edition 3in-CDR series contains all four 18-minute tracks: “Bygone Baguette Mailboxes of French Polynesia,” “Tremendous Pace of Melt,” “That’s My Deathbed,” and “Attract and Reproduce.” With inserts reproducing original artwork.
Extended snart-scapes where loops. distressed scroichles, outsider guitar improv, and electronic pasta (al dente) converge in the back of the bus, with the animals and prisoners.
Stream or download here. Order discs from Krim Kram or Tedium House.
“Definitely the most thought-provoking (yet slavish) cover of ‘Mysterious Semblance at the Strand of Nightmares’ I’ve heard this year.” —Paul Ashby
“Thoroughly enjoying the strange geography of this one. There’s a solemn beauty to this collection like when they dress up horses.” —Joe Murray
“I wrote I don’t know a lot about them, and that’s still the case. As I said, I don’t know anything about the Bren’t Lewiis Ensemble, who they are and what they do.” —Vital Weekly
Six long droneur manqué tracks get to the bottom of the mystical aspects behind time-lapsed refrigerator attrition, the brotherhood of forlorn balloon animal guys, and the difference between getting carved up in tandoori hell and having to scrape chicken-meat from under the fingernails. Throughout the group's low-key but tension-infused screech, looping theremin, synthesizer, guitar, and toy instruments roil to be heard in malignant EQ baths of malfunctioning peptide and degenerate serums of unknown origin. Anonymous voice montages are silhouetted against the fading light of gut health. Murky blobs in oblong landscapes suggest gastrointestinal dusk. It's a 60-minute kaleidoscope of doom expectorant, in which nausea becomes an abstract expression of the afterlife, basically, the opposite of a perky restoratif.
Stream it for free or download here
Order CDR from Tedium House or Chocolate Monk
There’s nothing technically inaccurate about saying the Bren’t Lewiis Ensemble releases albums, though behind the scenes they are thought of as “escorted from the building.” A few just escape. Their second disc of 2023 arrives much like the contents of a piñata stuffed with Streptococcus pyogenes and exotic succulents.
As the opening track shuffles into view wearing nothing but a bathrobe and slippers on the wrong feet makes clear, Fifth Dementia is glued together with preparations for the end. In the BLE’s vision of The Big Not-Any-More, the past wobbles toward oblivion and wipes its feet on the welcome mat, while the adhesives-slathered future rises up in an infinite tidal wave of impending collapse, leaving the present as a ventriloquist act called Lil Tired And Majorly Defeated.
On “Nearly Drowned by The Anti-Merm,” Lala Lu’s cut-up reading of the lyrics to Yoko Ono’s “What Did I Do?” — recorded as a memento mori for the late Tom Smith of To Live And Shave In L.A. — slithers between tossed scrape salads, snow-blowers, noxious Star Trek hippies, and an animatronics-damaged “A Mighty Fortress.”
Tom Chimpson and Jimmy The Baptist stage their retirement-home magic show on the surreally tense “Sterno The Magnificent Spotted Bone Gambler,” seemingly for the benefit of an audience of sedative-abusing rabbits. It’s a beautifully perplexing mix of resinated guitar, epicurean wheedle that disfigures itself just above the horizon line, and disembodied clunks and clacks that ping the pong of all but the absolutely hairless.
The 24-minute “Sous Vide Meat Glue Experiment” is the soundtrack to the Ensemble’s video of the same name that premiered in August 2021 as part of the UK TUSK Festival’s online concert series. To create this gargantuan cut-up, The City Councilman began by mashing together home-made footage of various recording sessions and boosts from the public and corporate domains, and then, without revealing the final sequence, shared the unassembled effects-heavy fragments with Lucian Tielens, Gnarlos, and their fellow mutants, who nevertheless assembled with pinpoint accuracy a nightmare-triggered quilt of voices (their own as well as those appropriated from thrift store cassettes, children’s records, and YouTube videos), electronics and noises plucked from years of recording sessions, sound effects records, vintage radio shows, and home-made documentation of strangers losing it on public transportation. View it here: https://youtu.be/HWIl4PWNevA
Listen for the tinkle of cat toys on “Answer Correctly And I’ll Send You Wicker Furniture On Your Birthday” — that’s Lacie Pound saying no-no-no with tiny bells woven into his glorious winter beard, silhouetted against a Musiclandria sunrise featuring The Affable Chap on electronic sputters and The Viper on squawk fiddle. The album closes with “Looks / Isn’t Shoe Needle,” inspired in equal measure by ancient cave paintings of primitive-lobed skull jockeys and the inevitable all-consuming deep-fakes that await us all 24/7.
This 57-minute cocktail (two parts premature geriatrics, one part second childhood, a splash of MK Ultra) radiates an age-inappropriate vibe on par with Dr. Zachary Smith taking over a quinceñera while dressed in an off-brand foam carrot suit.
Cover by Cojack.
Stream it for free or download here
Order CDR from Tedium House or Chocolate Monk
After-hours sessions at Musiclandria in Sacramento in late 2021 — at the time freshly upgraded to a mammoth instrument lending library with a stream-ready live venue, a recording studio, and a community center — form the sponge-y foundation of Borderline Dogfood. Joining the irregulars were The Viper (a violinist who was a defiler of catgut par excellence back in the early 1980s iteration of Bren’t Lewiis, now resembling, as an added bonus, an Edward Gorey character come to life) and The Affable Chap (a recruit from the UK home office who hurled himself into the variety of gear and gizmos available at Musiclandria, especially items in the genus keyboards). With access to everything on the premises, from the synthesizers to the guitars, from the billiards table to the guts of a piano leaning against a wall, the Ensemble floods your delta with electronic doink, insectoid crackling, and brackish murmurs. They avoid becoming what John Whitson of Holy Mountain would describe as “a chance-oriented jam band” by framing everything between (and interrupting everything with) loops and fragments from field recordings and internet fails videos where behavior is modified by life crisis hormones and one deadly sin or another. If you wanted to call it “Olmec improv filtered through contemporary snartwave,” it’s unlikely anyone’d try to shove you down a flight of stairs.
Mixed throughout are passages going as far back as 2017 from Lucian Tielens and The City Councilman’s weekly sessions at Fluxus Enigma in Fair Oaks, where anything can happen — grunt’n’moan montages, Theremin vs Stylophone battles, journeys into the dark, evil soul of toys, contact mic endurance challenges, backing vocals by beautiful ol’ hounddogs with heads shaped like lightbulbs, objects rustling in a laundry basket...
Shalimar Fox makes a rare appearance with a monologue about exerting the power of eminent domain on Pucci’s din-din. Meanwhile, a helium-dosed Lala Lu delivers her remarkable take on a bit o’ swill from the Disney canon, Tielens loses himself in the black forest that is the lyrics to “The Porpoise Song,” Gnarlos uses Pete Beck’s lyrics to the Dilwhip / Educated Mess / 28th Day track “Do You Know How It Feels” to conquer the baby monitor while standing in the parking lot, and then the slobber-drenched chewtoy is back in Lala Lu’s yap (metaphorically) for a Venus de Sunnyvale style reading of Misfits lyrics.
The 17-minute “Emperor Guillotine Nukes A Lush Valley Using His Fingernail,” anchored by sessions at Hazel’s ’Lectric Washouse in Oakland, is especially grand, with Jimmy The Baptist’s worship of degraded guitar wheedle taking center stage, while psychological textician Tom Chimpson recites self-penned pre-hypnotic suggestions on “Executive Lullabyes Courtesy of Binky The Wonder Squid LLC.” Another standout is the complete soundtrack to the City-Councilman-edited 13-minute film “Lackey Demand Indicator,” which premiered at Wonder Valley Experimental Festival #14 in 29 Palms, California, in April 2022.
See packaging info, hear sound clips, and order CD and/or download from Baltimore-based Spleen Coffin label.
Also available in the U.S. via Tedium House and in the UK via Chocolate Monk
A slow-motion buckshot spray of Lost in Space bleeps and bloops spreads the group’s heat-sought rash across the canvas, as usual, throbbing and twinkling in a void seemingly sponsored by the Wubb Telescoop. But be on the lookout for collisions with gravity fields that pull the elements apart, leaving their piercing shrillness to jab at nothing within the corridors of your personal solitude. If that seems a little too Star Trek for your tastes, don’t worry: no one’s gonna mention the time you took ecstasy at the convention and thought one of the parking attendants was Nyota Uhura. Still, moog-adjacent yoib whizzes past like fresh junk, courtesy of The Library At Musiclandria in Sacramento, where much of Chewing Scenery was recorded in November and December 2021. The Affable Chap, on loan from the UK home office, makes his debut appearance in Bren’t Lewiis here, and returning champion The Viper was on board to scrape the cat gut — a real life saver since the fingernail-friendly chalkboard had been borrowed by another patron earlier that day. From sessions at Hazel’s ’Lectric Washouse, a re-christened Jimmy The Baptist wrings pure glory from the ether like a brand new solar panel so potent you’d be advised to mind the UV, while Tom Chimpson reads OCD laundry demands from the script for an abandoned prequel to Seven centered around the origin story of Kevin Spacey’s character. The customary disembodied voices, field recordings, household catastrophes, animals losing it, fails video soundtracks, edits both more jarring and smoother than Daddy-o’s morning anxiety dump abound, so don’t think this is nothing more than a fresh take on space rock no one was desperate enough to ask for. Lacie Pound pops up throughout, eavesdropping on neighbors, performing a bit of Blood Stereo karaoke, and investigating electronics-enhanced grooming procedures of the co-inhabitants of his place of dwell. Lala Lu maintains her in-house wild card monopoly, singing back up to avant Cleaver Babs Billingsley, citing Shakespeare, and musing about high school sports admins. An electric baby monitor flashes the creep-on-the-subway voice of Gnarlos reading a selection from Spike Milligan’s Puckoon (page 129, to be exact). Consider that Lucian Tielens’s cover art mosaic of post blizzard powder reads like an explosion at a fire extinguisher factory, and the hint is there for you to take.
Stream for free or download from Bandcamp.
Order physical copies from Tedium House or Chocolate Monk
The debut release on the Ireland-based label Krim Kram is the first Mark-Knopfler-approved “real” CD by Bren't Lewiis. Eleven disorienting tracks: heavily edited sound collage; Orchid-Spangiafora-style word play; malfunctioning, sputtering machines; instruments and objects that are blown, shaken, scraped, and generally sabotaged in various ways. You won’t know whether it’s intestines, brains, or macaroni salad. If the CIA had access to this kind of arsenal during MKUltra, who knows what kind of damage they could have inflicted.
“Listening to Bren’t Lewiis Ensemble is like running through a field full of prairie dog tunnels; yr gonna get tripped up. Hand Signals is that + darkness. If you call out ‘Ya hear me?’ & the response is ‘I hear ya!’ then you’ve found the hill to die on.” —Tom Lax, Siltbreeze
“This bananas collagescape from the inimitable Bren’t Lewiis Ensemble … opens with ‘Westminster Dog Show On Acid,’ and in some ways, that says it all. Twisted drones sputter around like half-melted machines with fried electronics and sliced / diced voice samples clattering around an empty room. Cryptic signals send out scratchy cries for help, intimating that these sonic malfunctions are rotting the fabric holding everything together. Radio waves disintegrate into blenderized carcasses, chased across the burning ground by barking dogs with toy glockenspiels in their mouths. It’s all a bit mental and entirely fucking great.” —Foxy Digitalis
“Scuzzy but ostensibly ‘song’-oriented.” —Aiden Hanratty, Bandcloud
“What most would deem a kitchen sink-inclusive approach to avant garde sound making is laughingly derided as unambitiously minimal by the lumbering beast named Bren’t Lewis Ensemble. In the most densely packed of Krim Kram’s inaugural offerings, a host of pseudonym addled collaborators — limited only to the rule of thumb of ‘audibility’ when producing their contributions — pour American Standard Bathtub sized loads of audial dribs and dreck into one of the most heady, hallucinogenic and at times weirdly beautiful fluid bodies I’ve encountered since Jan 01 2022. Can you imagine a sound? Well, it’s probably in here somewhere. In fact, so crammed full of ideas is this CD that failure in attempting a round up of components is a certainty. But shall we try nonetheless? Grizzly, fizzy, warped electronics, plundered gems of misappropriated spoken word, inept, jazzless free improvised tooting and blowing, guitar strings tuned looser than a mouthful of fondue and bleating popular-rock 45s I’d guess were obtained strictly on the basis of their southward placement in the ‘Condition (M)-(P)’ scale. This dazzling piece of hyperbole might charitably be said to describe roughly four minutes of what goes on in Hand Signals, with the rest best enjoyed lacking prior context. For all its inherent busyness, the mistake here would be to think that such a creaking edifice has been slapped together in an artless clutter with no regard to ebb, flow and placement. Often such is the case with these things. But what sets Hand Signals apart is the deft hand with which those composite hunks of chum have been whittled and seasoned into narrative-rich tartare. The build and contours of these 11 tracks evidence a sculptural mastery evoking shades of GRM or IRCAM sophistry in equal measure to LA+BUFMS inclined free-Quixotica. Fuck you if you think that’s a stretch - go ahead and listen to it and try to tell me it’s anything but a vastly unpretentious, gorgeously vibrant listen which gives and gives. Whatever you do, just don’t tell the funding bodies of Western Europe that their pricy efforts are being so casually undermined by the affordable alchemy stemming from San Franciscan box rooms.” —Adhuman
“I used to hear stuff like this in my head constantly when I was younger, before I stopped doing hard drugs and started taking psych meds. I can’t say I enjoy this, but the sense of familiarity is almost nostalgic. I can’t decide whether this would have helped me or made things worse had I discovered it as a teenager. This is strongly preferable though, as far as ill- or drugged-mind atmospheres, to most of the sad, bleak, dreary same-old you usually hear (in your head).” —@granitecityrain
“I am mystified” —Vital Weekly
"Wonky and psychedelic tape bleeps that sometimes flirt with noise. Soundtrack to your sleep paralysis." —Akti #2